NEN-EN-ISO 10301
Label (nl) | NEN-EN-ISO 10301 |
Definitie (nl) | NEN-EN-ISO 10301:1997 en - Water - Bepaling van zeer vluchtige gehalogeneerde koolwaterstoffen - Gaschromatografische methoden |
Toelichting (nl) | Specifies two methods for the determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons using gas chromatography. Section 2 specifies a method for the determination by liquid/liquid extraction of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water, ground water, swimming pool water, most rivers and lakes and many sewage and industrial effluents. Section 3 specifies a method for the determination of highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in drinking water, surface waters and ground water by a static headspace method. In practise, the head-space method is applicable for industrial effluents as a screening method, but in some cases it is necessary to confirm the result by the liquid-liquid extraction method. |
Exacte overeenkomst | |
Status | vastgesteld |
Vertrekpunt | Relatie | Eindpunten |
Id-d024eef6-cafa-ab09-b998-17551886b5f6 | Is bron voor |
Id-d024eef6-cafa-ab09-b998-17551886b5f6 | Vastgesteld in |